
四六级考试 | 2020年12月英语四级听力短文三

2020-12-14 10:32




  [22] An average person consumes 144 pints of milk a year, but 40% of that is poured on the cereal and 60% of those people are children. But what was once advertised as nutrition is becoming unpopular. Americans drinks 37% less milk than they did in the 1970s. And in the UK, dairy consumption overall has fallen by a third in the past 20 years. [23] Milk is increasingly being described in a negative light. A recent blog suggested that maybe people are drinking less milk because it is poisonous to many of us. Lactose is the sugar found in milk in dairy products. it needs a series of complex proteins to break it down. Without enough of these proteins, [24]the lactose is broken down by bacteria in a human body. This can cause physical pain and produce gas in the stomach. However, after we have finished breast and formula feeding, most of us don't continue producing the complex proteins in our bodies, which are necessary to break down the lactose. Despite the problems that I just see in milk, it does provide many benefits. [25] Milk is nutritious, it contains vitamins A and D as well as protein and isn’t full of calories. You can test yourself by drinking a large glass of milk. If you get sick in your stomach within the next 24hrs, you are lack in the proteins to digest milk.

  Question 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have heard.

  22 what does the passage say about Americans?

  23 how do Americans and British think of milk nowadays?

  24 why does drinking milk cause pain in some people?

  25. What does the passage say is a benefit of milk?





  Q23 第二题,提示词increasingly和negative可以判断出人们对于牛奶的负面看法。并且后续的recent blog中提到的内容,也是我们在听力技巧中经常说到的【报告,博客,某人说的话】要注意的原则,也可以很好的反应出来这个选项。

  Q24 这个题,关键字对照就可以,属于原词重现。

  Q25 这个题,也是原词重现,只要抓住关键词,这个题不难。



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