两轮面试各有侧重,第一轮是Subject-specific academic interview,考察的是学生对于自己申请的专业了解多少,以及是否有在剑桥学习的潜力。,面试官一般是一到两位剑桥在这一领域的专家。这轮面试主要考察学生两个方面,一个是关于所选专业的学术问题的讨论,会涉及到你所学的专业知识,以及申请时交的文书;另一方面可能会考察学生会不会用已有知识解决新问题。
第二轮面试是General academic interview,会问一些关于个人学习及发展的问题,比如就你所提交的ps中的信息展开讨论一些问题,或者问你为什么要来剑桥,为什么对这个专业感兴趣,也会问一些更宽泛的你的学术兴趣,以及未来的职业规划。
一般只有一轮面试,少数情况下会有两轮。面试会先从简单的问题开始,了解你的个人情况,比如你在personal statement中提及的内容,接下来会问一些专业相关的问题。面试官可能在面试前先给你一段材料,告诉你需要关注的点,让你阅读后问一些相关问题。面试中也可能会问到你在申请时提交的written work,也会让你讲一讲读了专业相关的什么书,专业外还有什么兴趣。
Imagine a ladder leaning against a vertical wall with its feet on the ground. The middle rung of the ladder has been painted a different colour on the side, so that we can see it when we look at the ladder from the side on. What shape does that middle rung trace out as the ladder falls to the floor?
There are 100 people who will shake hands with each other. Is it possible to make the number of times people shaking hands all different?
Do there exist 2 integers, x and y such that x^2 + y^2 = 1 000 003?
The titanic weighed over 50,000 tonnes. Why did it not sink earlier?
If you have a helium balloon on a string in a car, and the car accelerates, what happens to the balloon?
A ball, initially at rest, is pushed upwards by a constant force for a certain amount of time. Sketch the velocity of the ball as a function of time, from start to when it hits the ground.
How does the basicity for ammonia, primary amine, secondary amine and tertiary amine in inorganic solvent? In water?
Why are the structures of CO2 and SiO2 different?
Draw the structure of Al2Br6 and describe the bonding.
Why do some habitats support higher biodiversity than others?
How does a cell stop itself from exploding due to osmosis?
How would you transfer a gene to a plant?
How do pirates divide their treasure?
Draw a circle with radius of r on a program you know. (No specific language required)
You are in a room where everyone including you has a white hat and black hat put on their heads. Can you guess the color of your hat with more than 50% probability?
How long would it take to pump water out of a cellar 2m and floor space 25㎡?
Consider a loop, what height should the roller coaster start from if it is to make it around the loop?
Derive the electrostatic potential of a particle from Coulomb's Law
Who did you see your doctors working with on your work experience, what non-medical members are there? How do they contribute to the team? What daily activities show that you would work well in a team?
What are 2 things about you which would make you a good doctor and what are 2 of your shortcomings?
How would pregnancy affect the speed of metabolism of the drugs? Where are drugs metabolised? Where are they excreted? How might you compensate for the change in metabolism of drugs in pregnant women?
What exactly do you think is involved in blaming someone?
If the probability of winning a lottery is low but someone still wins and the probability of sun not rising tomorrow is also low, can we assume that the sun will not rise tomorrow?
What is memory?
What maintains domestic order?
What maintains international order?
Is redistributive taxation justified?
What would a historian find interesting about the place where you live?
Is there such thing as ‘race’?
How would you compare Henry VIII and Stalin?
Would it be feasible to have an economy that was entirely based on the service sector?
What do you know about the interaction between fiscal and monetary policy?
I noticed that you study mathematics. Can you see how you might derive the profit maximisation formula from first principles?
How can cities be made sustainable?
If I were to visit the area where you live, what would I find interesting?
Why is climate so unpredictable?
What does it mean for someone to ‘take' another's car?
- Two enemies of mine work independently, as I am travelling across a desert. The first poisons my water. The second tips my water out of its flask, unaware of the poison. I continue on my journey and die of thirst. Who is guilty of murder?
- If a man was in prison and dying, would it be right to kill him and use his organs to save seven other people?
1. 题目不会答怎么办?
2. 我答错了怎么办?
可以说“Oh - sorry - I take that back…”或者“perhaps this might be a better way to think about it...”出错再改正是很正常的思维过程,这时只用把正确的重新说一遍即可。
3. 我在结束时需要问问题吗?
4. 我该穿什么?
5. 我该带什么?
带上你申请时提交的personal statement和written work、手机(方便学院联系你),还可以带一本近期阅读的书籍。