

2016-12-08 12:08



熟悉雅思考试的同学都知道,以往的流程图每年大概出现的次数在三到四次, 但这几年却有增多的趋势。 好多同学在雅思备考时对流程图这种非数据图形都有排斥心理,实际掌握了流程的写作方法之后, 他的写法可以和数据类题型一样简单。


2016年11月26日 流程图-能源流失情况

The diagrams below show the amount of energy lost in 100 units when it is generated from black coal and when it is generated from brown coal.


Word count: 196

The two diagrams present the information of energy loss in every 100 units fuel energy, from black coal and

brown coal respectively.

It can be seen from the first diagram that in the first stage where the brown coal is sent to the power station, there are 70 units energy wasted, accounting for a large proportion of the whole energy. In the following stage, transportation and distribution, a relative marginal amount of energy is lost (3 units), and the remainder is only 27 units when it is consumed by the consumers in the final step.

The black coal, on the other hand, shows a similar energy loss pattern compared with its brown counterpart. When it is transported, the energy loss amounts to 68 units, which means more than half of its original energy is lost. In the stage of transportation and distribution, the same quantity of energy is wasted in comparison to the brown coal. The consumers, who will finally utilize the energy, can only share a small proportion of fuel energy.

Overall, the black coal loses less energy than the brown coal and the second stage will cost most of the fuel energy.

2016年8月4日 流程图-玻璃回收



be compressed into(被压缩)




incinerate (焚化) 

cooling (冷却)


The chart shows the process of glass recycling.

The flow chart illustrates how glass is recycled. The process is divided into three stages.

At the first stage, used glasses in various forms are dumped into a recycled bin. They are collected at a collection point and then transported by a truck to a cleaning plant.

At the processing stage, there are several steps to go. Firstly, at the cleaning plant, the dirty glass products have to be washed by high pressure water. Then they are classified according to their colours, namely brown, green or clear, before they are transferred to a recycling plant where they are heated in a furnace at an extremely high temperature until they are melted. The liquid recycled glass is added with a new one and the mixture is poured into a mould to be reshaped. After the liquid gets cool, it becomes solid and is packed carefully in a box.

At the final stage, the packed glasses in different shapes are delivered to supermarkets, ready for being sold to potential customers.

2016年5月28日 流程图-可可原豆加工

The flow-chart gives information about how the whole beans are processed into the final products for the customers.

There are altogether three steps from picking beans to collecting the final products. Initially, the whole beans are picked from trees and their shells are removed, after which those beans are dried. At the next stage, we press the processed products in two ways: further pressing and further refining respectively. For the first method, after the additional pressing, cocoa cake would be ground. For the other, industrial chocolate with the combination of sugar would turn to final processing. At the last stage, after being ground, the cocoa powder would be for the consumers. The completed chocolate products, on the other hand, are for consumers as well. Besides, there is cocoa liquor for the industry of cakes and drinks.

Overall, the beans are altered into the final products with the above three phases2016年1月30日 地图题-办公区布局变化

The diagram shows how an office building looks at present and the plan for its future development.




As we can see, the current and proposed layout of an office building are illustrated in this map, which is expected to experience huge changes.

Before modification, there are two grass lands located at the West and the East of this building with a bathroom and a reception near the East- one on the south where staff can enter through. It is also clear that four office rooms are dotted at the south of this building, with one adjacent to each other. At the North, a kitchen, canteen and a stock room can be found right opposite those office rooms.

In the future, enormous differences will take place in this building. Firstly, as regards to the two grass lands, the West-one will be converted into an outside activity area, while the other will be modified into a coffee bar at the North and a meeting area at the South. The reception and entrance are also intended to be relocated to the mid of two office rooms at the South facing the other two offices rooms and a stock room at the North, this means that the original kitchen and canteen will have been removed.

Overall, office showed is projected to turn into a place of high utilization rate.

(208 words)


1. 表述顺序的词

2. 主动语态及被动语态的选择

3. 总分总的写作形式

4. 把简单句变为复杂句的方法



流程图从它的名字就可以看出, 整个图形是强调某种事物的形成过程。 因此在流程图中, 顺序词很重要, 它们是衔接整篇文章的框架的核心。这里和大家介绍下, 在流程写作中可以用到的顺序性词汇:

a.The process starts from doing…

b.Doing …is the first step/ stage / phase.

c.At the beginning of …

d.At the first/initial stage, + 句子 – at the packaging stage, + 句子

此处的at the packaging stage实际为at the first stage的变形, 通过用packaging来代替firstly,使得对阶段的描述更加精准。

e.Next/after that/ followed by/ before +doing

f.The life cycle begins again.

此句选自C6T3范文, 当时文章表述的是飞蛾产卵的过程。 整个过程分析后发现是一个再次循环的状态,因此可在顺序结尾处带入此句。


C8T3水泥和混凝土的制作属于工业生产制作图,在描述过程中, 动作更为重要, 因此要采用主动语态。 而C6T3的飞蛾产卵的流程图中, 动作的主体即飞蛾也是描述的重点,因此要用主动语态。

总结来说, 工业生产为主动语态。 自然界生命周期图为被动语态。


开头段:According to the diagram , the process of cement production can be divided into four steps.

结尾段:Overall, cement production consists of four stages, starting from crushing materials into powder and ending at bagging cement.

此处的开头与结尾段以C8T3为题,开头强调了水泥制作可分为四个步骤。 这里的分为四个步骤即我们所说的总述,主体段的第一步至第二部就是分述,特点1已经强调过怎么描写步骤, 这里不在赘述。 最后看下结尾。 水泥制作分为四部,以…开始,并以…结束。 前后呼应做的恰到好处, 大家后期可仿写单横线的句式。


很多考生反馈在流程写作过程中, 全部都是流水账, 句子过于简单没有变化。 但如果掌握了以下的两种方法的话, 可以轻松把两个简单句改为高级句式:

a. 分词结构(before +doing)

(1)Powder is placed on the conveyor belt.

(2) Powder is ground by the grinder.

Power is placed on the conveyor belt, before being ground by the grinder.

b. 状语从句(once, until)

Ingredients are rotated in the concrete mixer, until they are turned into concrete.

Once ingredients are rotated in the concrete mixer, they are turned into concrete.


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