2021河北中考 |英语知识点总复习之肺炎英语语法填空题
2021-01-15 17:42
It has been more than 10 days since Wuhan, the epicenter of the novel coronavirus(新冠病毒) outbreak, entered an lockdown.(封城)
For most people stayed attheir homes, life has not been easy ,__1__ they are trying their best not to let the epidemic affect them too much.
Many people are finding new ways to make staying __2__ home not as boring as it sounds.
In one popular video, which garnered __3__ than 320 million views on Sina Weibo, a man speaking in the Wuhan dialect is seen shouting at the darkness and he asks __4__ there is anyone out there.
"People living at the nearby apartment building, open your __5__ ," he said. "Let's start a shouting match. I am going crazy."
Later, another man replied: "Roger that. I also want to talk to someone.Let's open our windows and our hearts to talk."
There were also popular videos on different social media platforms showing people's daily exercise routine-getting __6__ at noon, taking __7__ small walk in their living room, in their kitchen, guest bedroom and restroom and then __8__ to their bedroom.
Some tried to play badminton in their living rooms or ping-pong on their dinner __9__ .
Others simply posted screenshots of their daily exercise results on social media, showing them walking less than 100 __10__ in a day.
1.but 2. at 3. more 4.if 5.windows
6.up 7.a 8.returning 9. tables 10. steps
新东方石家庄学校 (微信号:helloxdf)
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