2016-12-08 12:17
be free from 没有……的,不受……影响
be identified as …被认为是…in essence 本质上
随着中国中产阶级的崛起,相对于他们的父母一代而言,中国的青少年有更多的钱可以花在服装上。这就鼓励了“快时尚(fast fashion)”市场在中国的发展。在“快时尚”市场上,国际零售商们出售消费者负担得起的、与流行大牌设计师设计的服装款式相仿的服饰。国际快时尚零售商,像Zara和H&M,都旨在将最新的时尚趋势尽可能快地带到大众市场(the mass market)中去。“快时尚”再加上中国人可支配收入的增加,导致了青少年时尚达人(fashionistas)数量的上升。大量国际品牌的涌入给中国设计师带来了激烈的竞争。
1.随着中国中产阶级的崛起,相对于他们的父母一代而言,中国的青少年有更多的钱可以花在服装上:“随着…的崛起”可翻译为with the rise of…;“中产阶级”可译为middle class。
2.最新的时尚趋势:可翻译为the newest fashion trend。
3.大众市场:可翻译为mass market。
4.中国人可支配收入:可用disposable income of Chinese People表达。
With the rise of China's middle class, Chinese adolescents have more money to spend on clothes than their parents, which has encouraged the development of a “fast fashion” market in China where international retailers sell affordable and similar clothes designed by popular and brand-name designers. International fast fashion retailers like Zara and H&M both aim to bring the newest fashion trend to the mass market as quickly as possible. Fast fashion, coupled with the increase of disposable income of Chinese People, has led to a rising number in teenage fashionistas. The flood of international brands has brought about a fierce competition to the Chinese designers.
How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities
The shortage of housing in big cities is one of the most serious problems of modern living. Increasing numbers of people are finding it difficult to conduct normal family and work duties because they either have nowhere to live or their houses are inadequate. This is a problem that requires an urgent solution because it leads to social unrest and economic inefficiency.
Some people suggest that the solution to the problem is to build more high-rise apartments, others are in favor of underground housing areas. I prefer the first idea, because it is cheaper to build above ground than below. Besides, people prefer to live in the open air and see the sunshine.
The second idea is not practical. One reason for this is that it is dangerous to construct living places under streets and buildings. Another reason is that it would take too much time to carry out, and in the meantime the number of people waiting for houses would increase, thus making the problem worse.
Those interested please contact as either through email(XXX@126.tom)or phone call(12345678).
coincide in 在…方面一致
coincide with 与…相符,与…一致put...into circulation 使…流通,使…传播
目前,中国年龄在18岁至30岁之间的人口数量约为2.7亿,该年龄段人群智能手机(smartphone)拥有率髙达92%,远髙于全球67%的平均水平。据统计,中国城镇居民全年人均(percapita)可支配收入(disposable income)为24565元,平均每月2047元,工作三个月才买得起一部5288元的iPhone 5。而2012年前10个月美国实际人均可支配收人为32653.1美元,平均每月3265美元,一个月就可以买16部199美元的iPhone 5。按此计算,美国在iPhone 5的消费力方面是中国的48倍,而智能手机普及率(coverage)仍被中国超过,由此可见中国人对智能手机的巨大热情
1.目前:可用currently或at present表达。
2.年龄在18岁至30岁之间的人口数量约为2.7亿:可译为there are about 270 million people aged between18 and 30。
3.城镇居民全年人均可支配收入:其中“人均”可译为percapita,“可支配收入”可用disposable income表达。
5.智能手机普及率仍被中国超过:“普及率”可用coverage表达,“超过”可用surpass或overtake表达,故该处译为the coverage of smartphone is still surpassed by China。
Currently,there are about 270 million people agedbetween 18 and 30 in China,and the owning rate ofsmartphone among this age group is up to 92%,farabove the global average of 67%.According tostatistics,the annual per capita disposable income ofChinese urban residents is 24,565 yuan,with average monthly income per capita being 2,047yuan.That means,urban residents can afford an iPhone 5 with a price of 5,288 yuan afterworking for 3 months.Whereas,during the first 10 months in 2012,actual per capita disposableincome in America is 32,653.1 dollars,with average monthly income per capita being 3,265 dollars.That tells us,American people can afford 16 iPhones 5 by working only for onemonth.Calculating in this way,American people's consumptive power of iPhone 5 is 48 times thatof Chinese people.But the coverage of smartphone in America is still surpassed by China,fromwhich Chinese people's great enthusiasm towards smartphone is obvious.
2. 产生这一现象的原因
3. 你认为应如何改革英语教育
Reform of English Education
As college English education is greatly emphasized with the rapid development of global commuiiicaticm,tbe defects that exist in the current educational system are open to more criticism- It is widely acknowledged that a thorough reform of college English education should be under way.
People ask for English education reform mainly because of the Inadequacy of college English education under the current system. On the one hand, many coilege English teachers underestimate the role interest plays in English learning and keep preaching in class. On the other h^nd, under the current system, most Chinese students tend to separate vocabulary memorizing, grammar, Hsteniiig, speaking, reading, and writing ftom each other and therefore their English is also “broken” in this way. This has also greatly contributed to the “dumb English” of many Chinese students.
In my view, to reform English education, colleges and universities should encourage students to speak English in class and hold more activities to promote students' oral English. Teachers should focus on attracting students with vivid teaching and arouse students* enthusiasm in learning English. With the collaboration, the reform of college BngHsh education will surely yield pleatifu fitiits.
新东方石家庄学校 (微信号:helloxdf)
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