
2020河北高考 | 134个新冠病毒疫情防控相关中英词汇(外文局审定) 二

2020-04-26 19:58



  02 防控救治

  32. 《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》

  Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases

  33. 国务院联防联控机制

  the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council

  34. 重大疫情防控体制机制

  the mechanism for major epidemic prevention and control

  35. 疫情可防、可控、可治

  an epidemic that can be prevented, controlled and stopped

  36. 群防群控

  strengthen society-wide efforts to prevent and control the epidemic

  37. 防止疫情跨境传播

  prevent the epidemic from spreading across borders

  38. 做好重点地区疫情防控

  strengthen epidemic prevention and control in key regions

  39. 做好返程人员疫情防控

  take measures to help returnees from infected regions in order to prevent any possible spread of the coronavirus

  40. 外防输入 内防扩散

  prevent the spread of the coronavirus from both within and without of a city (or an area)

  41. 分区分级精准防控

  a region-specific, multi-level targeted approach to epidemic prevention and control

  42. 差异化精准防控策略

  precise and differentiated epidemic control strategies

  43. 社区疫情防控

  community-based epidemic prevention and control

  44. 防控力量向社区下沉

  empower communities to prevent and control the spread of the coronavirus

  45. 防止大规模社区传播

  prevent the wide spread of the coronavirus in communities

  46. 不漏一户、不漏一人

  leave no one unscreened

  47. 室内空气流通

  indoor ventilation

  48. 可重复使用口罩

  reusable mask

  49. 医学排查

  medical screening

  50. 医学巡查

  medical inspection

  51. CT影像

  computed tomography imaging

  52. 卫生检疫

  health quarantine

  53. 疫情监测

  epidemic monitoring

  54. 新型冠状病毒成功分离

  successful isolation of a novel coronavirus

  55. 《新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎诊疗方案》

  Guidelines on the Novel Coronavirus-Infected Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment

  56. 收治率

  patient admission rate

  57. 临床试验

  clinical trials

  58. 血浆治疗

  infusions of blood plasma

  59. 恢复期血浆

  convalescent plasma therapy

  60. 抗病毒治疗

  antiviral therapy

  61. 抗生素治疗

  antibiotic therapy

  62. 中医治疗

  TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) therapy

  63. 中西医结合/中西医并用

  combined use of TCM and Western medicine

  64. 隔空诊疗

  online diagnosis and treatment

  65. 在线问诊

  online medical inquiries

  66. 智慧医疗

  smart medical care

  67. 数字医疗服务

  digital medical services

  68. 氢氧治疗仪

  oxy-hydrogen breathing machine

  69. 随访和复诊

  follow-up and subsequent visits

  70. 吹哨人


  71. 逆行者

  people who brave a dangerous situation

  72. 最美逆行者

  heroes in harm’s way (the brave, unhesitating rescuers who rush to the epicenter of the virus)

  或brave rescuers who go in the teeth of danger

新东方石家庄学校 (微信号:helloxdf







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